Campout is back in 2025!

Following the great success of Campout 2024, we're delighted to announce that Campout 2025 returns to the Three Pools permaculture farm, in the hills of Wales just west of Abergavenny.

The plan was to take a year's sabbatical but we realised soon after the last Campout that this would prove to be an unpopular decision! 

So we're back by popular demand... Expect a unique blend of "activision, passion for the planet and pleasure" (Thanks Stevi)

NOVEMBER 1st is a new moon so a perfect time to release a batch of early bird firestarter tickets for the 2025 event and to set our intentions...

Some reactions from 2024's event:

I seriously did not know places like this could exist. You've shown a little taste of heaven right here on earth. I am satiated beyond expectation. The love, care and respect we shared with each other is extraordinary. "  Lisa van de Plas 

"What a field of love and full of such an abundance of beautiful souls. The depth of my experiences over all these days with Campout is and will continue to be unfolding within me.  I feel absolutely blessed to know you all and how very NOT alone I am in this fabulous beautiful world of ours. I love you all"  Ruth Fox

"It was beautifully life-changing for me" Julie Moffat

"So many connections and explorations going forward" Tamara Alferoff

"I loved every minute. My soul is nourished"  Debra Sophia Magdalene

"I feel a strong sense of ethical principles aligning with my own. Pete Lawrence and Campout are bringing together activision, passion for the planet and pleasure. Perfect for fuelling Eros, our potent dynamic life-force energy, much needed to make a difference in the world"  Steve Ross (Quinky)

"My heart has been filled with so much joy and gratitude. I want to thank each and everyone of the amazing Campfire Soul Family for sharing your smiles, joy, creativity and peacefulness at this wonderful gathering. I loved it beyond words"  Ambika Bosna

"This was the BEST of gatherings on so many levels!" Yael Hochenberg

"A delight to be surrounded by music, good food, and interesting, warm hearted humans."Zelda Hall

"Thank you to everyone for making us feel welcome at this important, creative and regenerative event. It was fabulous to make contact and build links with so many like-minded people. Pete Lawrence and Campout, you have created an amazing event series, another way to help us all to rebuild a more peaceful and loving world"  Andy Hickson

"The most exquisite weekend of gentle beauty, in community and nature. Campfire Convention is a winner, it was an honour to share at and be part of such a sweetness"  Lucy Hill

"My heart is full too. Thank you beyond words, and what an inspiration for what is possible." Jessica Mallock

Campout is family-friendly

We don't have many children coming to Campout so far, but here are a few ideas for keeping the little ones entertained 

Children’s activities - under 5’s / over 5’s adaptable

Scavenger hunts

Arts & crafts with found materials - woodland wands, leaf mandalas, butterflies, headdresses

Mark making - tree & leaf rubbings, earth drawings

Group singing / music makingl Games - ball games, possible parachute games, traditional street games

Drama / story making

Mindfulness walksl Drawing

Making damper on the fire and story building / telling

Activities depend on the resources we have. They’re also just suggestions and starting points. We follow the lead of the children.

Tickets available here

Campout 2024 Preview on Zoom

After hosting last night's Zoom session, I am not alone in recognising that we have a truly fantastic and unique mix of ideas, gifts, talents and offerings on show at this year's Campout 2024 (August 8-11)

You can hear our contributors talking about what they are bringing to the fire here...

We introduce the Eros Rising yurt led by Quinky (Sidtsara), Emma Wall, our Trailblazer candidate in the recent general election, who is leading a special Campfire People's Assembly.

We also feature Three Pools representative Tom Carter, talking about their introductory farm walks, caterer Asterix, Poppy Altmann on family constellations, firestarter Jessica Mallock who will be leading our fire lighting beacon ceremony and taking us on a shamanic journey to find our power animal,

Zelda Hall is shining her light onto the shadows, Ian Banyard's conducting some early morning nature excursions, Althea Finch will host on a pain-free method to natural health, Lucy Hill will be bringing her heartfelt interpretations of sacred prayers and medicine songs, Fiona Winter's musical soundtracks in nature will be a headphone delight, DJ Serious Jones is mixing genres and kindly sponsoring a bell tent, Ruth Fox will be leading our opening session and Campfire circles.

That's not all...Jackie Juno, multiple stand up poetry slam winner, will be there, I'm currently working with Gitika Partington, who will be leading campfire singing sessions and also performing (with Andy McCrorie-Shand) as 3 Bucket Jones, Bear Phillips will be previewing his book with a'Men Meeting Men' session, Leora Lightwoman is offering two sessions this year, 'Look Lovingly' and a 'Somatic Sharing Circle', Yael Hochenberg has been with us for the past two years and this time is leading two sessions including 'Wake Up, Rock Up, Breathe & Dance' session, Paula Charnley's leading a workshop on 'Focusing and Inner Listening', Elle Chaska's singing for us and taking us into herbalism on her 'Somatic Tea Journey', Julila will be there with her cello, Caroline Savage is talking 'Financial Solutions'...

I'm almost breathless with anticipation...

See you in a field

Campout 24 Themes: Daring to Dream Big Again

In this rapidly changing world, how can we be centred and balanced, whilst being open and proactive for change, both on a personal and community level? 

Campout 2024 focuses on how we can take control of our future in a world of obsolete, dysfunctional or corrupt systems and a technological revolution. It's the widespread dissatisfaction with many of the things happening now that inspires us to shape a different kind of world which embraces a growing desire to dream big again, which fosters community initiatives based on heart-centred connection and common values.

Themes for Campout 2024:  Here's an invitation for four days of reflection, connection, dreaming, transition and maybe even transformation.

Day 1 - Landing

Landing in nature and our true nature. Assimilating, unwinding, reconnecting.

Learn about the land around us at Three Pools and how the farm utilises permaculture methods, what we can all learn from nature and its rhythms and cycles - a reminder of how we are all part of a whole and how that leads to connections with others when in flow. 

Key Session: Ruth Fox - The Connection That Changes Worlds

Day 2 - Common Ground

Opening ourselves, listening, observing, looking for commonality, honouring diversity, breaking free.

Learn about how self reflection can lead to liberation, how we can sharpen our sense of awareness and spaciousness through openness and deep listening techniques, how we can build bridges for peace from unlikely situations and how we seek the common ground, whilst respecting the differences through those connections. How to break free of the matrix, go off-grid and start to bring wholesale systemic change into our lives. 

Key Talks: Jo Berry - 40 years of Peace Building. Zelda Hall - Gold in the Shadows, Bob Hillary - Breaking Free of  the Matrix


Day 3 – Finding Our Essence

Our voice, our health, our value in community. Connection between the heart and our earthy selves.

Finding our centre, our balance, our sense of wellness, our voice, individually and collectively. Looking beyond outmoded systems to new ways of living our lives, from approaches to health to new ways of democratic decision making. Learn about People's Assemblies by taking part in one. Be witness to the power of coming together with an open heart so we can sing our hearts out. 

Key Sessions: People's Assembly, led by Emma Wall, Sing Out! Led by Gitika Partington, Indigenous Sustainability led by Andy Hickson.


Day Four – Trailblazing

Putting the process together, taking it to the streets. Having the confidence to be in our truth, to tread new paths through wild country.

We explore our sense of belonging and opening up the flow in our lives. We tap into the power of the gathering and how coming together can focus us, energise us and dare us to dream big again. The energy we can take from forming or joining local communities and groups based around our values and our principles, turning dreams into actions and building the courage to move in new directions and into new spaces. Taking the love bubble with us. 

Key Session: Family Constellation with Poppy Altmann

Quotes “And if those 300 odd attendees have gone out into the world this week with even half of the connectedness and empowerment that I've been living with, as I'm absolutely sure is the case, then it goes without saying, that Campout 2023 was a mind blowing, life-changing event. Thank you from the bottom of my heart♥️”

“It taught me how to dream big again and that made me feel more powerful than I ever did before”


Campout announces People's Assembly

Saturday Session:  People's Assembly led by Emma Wall

Emma Wall stood at the recent general election as an Independent, the first manifestation of Campfire's movement towards Trailblazer politics, or what comes next after the current outmoded party politics. She polled a creditable 1833 votes in her Brighton Kemptown & Peacehaven constituency and during a vigorous campaign, she highlighted many of the failings of the current 'first past the post' system as well as re-engaging many who had become disillusioned with the system and the individuals who claimed to represent them. A major part of her campaign centred around championing policies and processes which improve the quality of life of those most disadvantaged in society.

Following Campfire's pioneering People's Assembly at our 2019 Campout, we are not just looking at the potency of this method of community-based decision-making, we're actually putting the process into action for ourselves. After hearing from Emma about her experiences standing in the election, we invite everyone to join us in modelling new directions for direct democracy, new politics grounded in a common-sense, humanitarian ethos and values.  We ask what matters most to you in determining a blueprint for our future. Each team will shape a new politics as we collectively put together what we'd like to see as future Trailblazers policy.

Emma says: “Anyone who is planning to attend this session, please bring up to five SMALL (easily transported) items that you no longer use or that no longer bring you joy. ‘Items’ can be anything from clothing to crystals, kitchen equipment to ornaments. Please ensure they are in good enough condition that they are useable and have the potential to “spark joy” for another person”

Full programme