
Campout Connection - Compassion - Co-Creation - Community – Celebration

This year’s principles are a co-creation from our Campout 2024 organising team and represent the ethos we bring to this event and ultimately the wider world:


We come together in a beautiful outdoor setting to share and make a collective experience. Through compassion, shared values and vision, we connect as a community to come together in celebration.  We invite everyone to make a positive impact on our surroundings, including our relationships with all beings. We are invited to quietly be present somewhere in the Three Pools landscape at some time during this Campfire gathering and to be with the Land.


We invite you to connect harmoniously with all beings - our own selves, our human family, flora and fauna, the animals, the wild things and the elements. With open minds, curiosity and a sense of wonder, we surrender and connect with our own true nature. Discover others afresh with this opportunity to learn and grow from each-others’ journeys. The rest will unfold in beautiful and magical ways. 


We invite you to engage in random acts of kindness, to recognise, witness and celebrate others, with the intention of making someone else's experience more positive. Each small act of kindness can create a ripple effect that can impact the entire event and help to encourage a culture of generosity, empathy, and mutual support.  Through compassion we naturally foster a deep sense of connection.


We invite conscious participation in sharing our imagination, listening and action - to enable a harmonious and vibrant way of being together. 


Through shared experience, we co-create an inclusive and non-hierarchical space where everyone has a voice. At Campout we value face-to-face, heart-to-heart connection and communication in real physical human presence. We believe that by working together, anything is possible with the support of the circle allowing for releasing, unfolding, unveiling, enabling the emergence of discovery and magic.


Communal celebration has been practised for centuries - historically expressed in a variety of ecstatic and bonding rituals. We are all capable of generating pleasure amongst ourselves through collective co-creation, self-expression and human diversity.

An attitude of gratitude in these beautiful surroundings raises the vibration of our reality. 

Have Fun! 

Namaste -  “The divine in me honours the divine in you"



Themes for Campout 2024:  Here's an invitation for four days of reflection, connection, dreaming, transition and maybe even transformation.

Day 1 - Landing

Landing in nature and our true nature. Assimilating, unwinding, reconnecting.

Learn about the land around us at Three Pools and how the farm utilises permaculture methods, what we can all learn from nature and its rhythms and cycles - a reminder of how we are all part of a whole and how that leads to connections with others when in flow. 

Key Session: Ruth Fox - The Connection That Changes Worlds

Day 2 - Common Ground

Opening ourselves, listening, observing, looking for commonality, honouring diversity, breaking free.

Learn about how self reflection can lead to liberation, how we can sharpen our sense of awareness and spaciousness through openness and deep listening techniques, how we can build bridges for peace from unlikely situations and how we seek the common ground, whilst respecting the differences through those connections. How to break free of the matrix, go off-grid and start to bring wholesale systemic change into our lives. 

Key Talks: Jo Berry - 40 years of Peace Building. Zelda Hall - Gold in the Shadows, Bob Hillary - Breaking Free of  the Matrix


Day 3 – Finding Our Essence

Our voice, our health, our value in community. Connection between the heart and our earthy selves.

Finding our centre, our balance, our sense of wellness, our voice, individually and collectively. Looking beyond outmoded systems to new ways of living our lives, from approaches to health to new ways of democratic decision making. Learn about People's Assemblies by taking part in one. Be witness to the power of coming together with an open heart so we can sing our hearts out. 

Key Sessions: People's Assembly, led by Emma Wall, Sing Out! Led by Gitika Partington, Indigenous Sustainability led by Andy Hickson.


Day Four – Trailblazing

Putting the process together, taking it to the streets. Having the confidence to be in our truth, to tread new paths through wild country.

We explore our sense of belonging and opening up the flow in our lives. We tap into the power of the gathering and how coming together can focus us, energise us and dare us to dream big again. The energy we can take from forming or joining local communities and groups based around our values and our principles, turning dreams into actions and building the courage to move in new directions and into new spaces. 

Key Session: Family Constellation with Poppy Altmann


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