Campout: Here's the Deal

CAMPOUT 2024 @ Three Pools Permaculture Farm, Abergavenny, South Wales. 

August 8-11 2024

Together we are co-creating Campout. 

This gathering has been evolving for several years as a new type of participatory event that aims to move away from the old audience / performer definitions. 

Campout’s ethos revolves around the unique gifts each person brings to the four day journey and what they take away from it. 

What each person takes will be different. We hope it will be a mix of inspiration, nourishment, focus and connections, new best friends, potential collaborations and maybe much more.


Here are just a few examples of what members of the community have valued at previous events:


 “It is vast, in it's wonderment and inspiration”  Jessica Mallock, Shamanic Fire Ceremony starter 

“A beautifully held space. Best festival ever, thank you” Gitika Partington, singer 

“If those 300 odd attendees have gone out into the world this week with even half of the connectedness and empowerment that I've been living with, as I'm absolutely sure is the case, then it goes without saying, that Campout 2023 was a mind blowing, life-changing event. Thank you from the bottom of my heart♥️” Gaynor Stanley, Campfirer

“A truly beautiful experience.” Leora Lightwoman, Tantric Goddess 

“We are onto something” Bob Hillary, Singer / Songwriter 

“A terrific inspirational and fun and connected four days” Sarah Dick, Campfirer 

“One of the most enjoyable, educational, warm and enriching experiences of my life” 

“Bring empathy, thoughts, knowledge and your experience, and you will always go away with more”

"A truly transformative event, such camaraderie and collective presence" 

“It taught me how to dream big again and that made me feel more powerful than I ever did before”

“Be part of the solution and warm your heart around the fire.”  

“Song, dance, babies, love and grace, conscious conversation, delicious food, men and women in ceremony, laughter, hay bales, openness to change – this is what the future looks like! 

“I had the time of my life – the best weekend ever” 

“If you can feel the imminence of necessary change but haven’t found your voice yet - look for it here”.

“Nourishment for mind, body and spirit in a beautifully held way”

"Living Deeply with Each Other"

“There were moments when it felt like a remembering of what it is to be in a tribe, to be in a held space not just for an hour but as a way of life”

Explore the history of Campout here

Want to get's how!!


Those who wish to apply to be a crew volunteer (4 hour shifts across as many of the six days as you attend as a suggestion) need to apply via the CREW APPLICATION FORM

Core Crew be invited to attend advance Zoom sessions and will also be invited to take part in a Campout Team Initiation Weekend in Wales at Trealy Farm, Monmouth which will include a visit to Three Pools Farm which is located within half an hour’s drive.

The dates will be May 10-12 for the core crew weekend. Camping will be available, if you do not wish to take up the option for indoor spaces / rooms at the farm.

Others wanting to be part of Campout..

We are encouraging everyone who buys a ticket to offer their gifts, this might be in the form of a music set, a talk, a wellbeing session, a ceremony or something else we haven’t yet thought of. 

Wellbeing practitioners, speakers and other performing contributors will need to fill in an application form by June 30th. Any people offering pre-programmed sessions or contributions will be invited to share a donation link if they have one.  Read more 


Nobody gets paid other than the venue and associated costs, essential contractors who provide infrastructure without which we couldn’t do the event.  We welcome your suggestions for contractors who may be willing to come and be part of it.

Otherwise, no free tickets or guest lists are available. As it’s an intimate event, it’s essential that everyone contributes to covering our costs and builds the event together.  If a surplus is made, it will be invested into the Campfire community’s ongoing costs and future events.

Come and join us and let’s all be part of creating something unique and special together…



“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
There is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
The world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
Doesn't make any sense.”

